Title of Call for Proposal (and link): Excellence Hubs Call: Excellence Hubs (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-07) Description of Funding Opportunity:  Excellence Hubs: Excellence Hubs will strengthen regional innovation excellence, through innovation ecosystems in Widening countries and beyond, by teaming up, and creating robust linkages between academia, businesses, governments and civil society. Schedule and Calls for Proposals https://rea.ec.europa.eu/funding-and-grants/horizon-europe-widening-participation-and-spreading-excellence/excellence-hubs_en Type…


Title of Call for Proposal (and link): ERA Chairs Call: Excellence Hubs (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-07) Description of Funding Opportunity:  ERA Chairs: By attracting high-level researchers to a widening university or research centre, it increases its research capacity. It will establish a research team fully integrated in the coordinator’s institution to significantly improve its research performance in a…